MYEureka Snack Bar

Each Eureka popcorn flavor has undergone intensive research before they are sold in the market. They have tailored recipes to suit to your taste buds and at the same time, give you a burst of flavor each time you have one of their popcorn.
Shop Review
Cuisine Western & Asian
Outlet Type Kiosk
Seating 0
Price Range RM 11 - RM 30
Contact Us 03-7660 9657
Website Click here
Other Information Halal


The purveyors of gourmet popcorn, myEureka takes their popcorn very seriously. Get your taste buds ready for a mouthful of explosive flavours that myEureka has to offer like Curry, Wasabi, Sour Cream, Salted Egg and BBQ. Health conscious snackers will be delighted to know that only non-GMO kernels are used to make their popcorn without transfat and preservatives. Each crunchy piece comes in a round shape that is evenly coated with your favourite seasoning for an “Eureka Moment”!