Bar B Q Plaza

Bar B Q Plaza is a self-cooking Mongolian and Japanese style barbeque restaurant. They focus on the selection of high-quality meats and vegetables where customers can experience self-grilling. The meal is also accompanied by specially prepared sauce, which taste just right for grilled food.
Shop Review
Cuisine Others - Thai
Outlet Type Full Service Restaurant
Seating 30-40
Price Range RM 40 - RM 70
Contact Us 016-218 6246
Website Click here
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With approximately 60+ all-you-can-eat food items to choose from, diners will be spoilt for choice at Bar BQ Plaza. Indulge in a wide selection of lamb, beef, fish, seafood and vegetables available here. This self-cooking Mongolian-Japanese style barbeque restaurant which originates from Thailand provides wholesome delicious meals with a unique grilling experience.